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UMAP plot for analyzing and visualizing UMAP algorithm.


  seed = 1,
  multi_shape = TRUE,
  point_size = 5,
  point_alpha = 1,
  text_size = 5,
  text_alpha = 0.8,
  fill_alpha = 0,
  border_alpha = 0,
  sci_fill_color = "Sci_AAAS",
  legend_pos = "right",
  legend_dir = "vertical",
  ggTheme = "theme_light"



Dataframe: gene expression dataframe (1st-col: Transcripts or Genes, 2nd-col~: Samples).


Dataframe: Samples and groups for gene expression (1st-col: Samples, 2nd-col: Groups).


Numeric: set seed for robust result. Default: 1.


Logical: groups as shapes. Default: FALSE, options: TRUE, FALSE.


Numeric: point size. Default: 5, min: 0, max: null.


Numeric: point color alpha. Default: 0.80, min: 0.00, max: 1.00.


Numeric: text size. Default: 5, min: 0 (hind), max: null.


Numeric: text alpha. Default: 0.80, min: 0.00, max: 1.00.


Numeric: ellipse alpha. Default: 0.30, min: 0.00, max: 1.00.


Numeric: ellipse border color alpha. Default: 0.10, min: 0.00, max: 1.00.


Character: ggsci color pallet. Default: "Sci_AAAS", options: "Sci_AAAS", "Sci_NPG", "Sci_Simpsons", "Sci_JAMA", "Sci_GSEA", "Sci_Lancet", "Sci_Futurama", "Sci_JCO", "Sci_NEJM", "Sci_IGV", "Sci_UCSC", "Sci_D3", "Sci_Material".


Character: legend position. Default: "right", options: "none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top".


Character: legend direction. Default: "vertical", options: "horizontal", "vertical".


Character: ggplot2 themes. Default: "theme_light", options: "theme_default", "theme_bw", "theme_gray", "theme_light", "theme_linedraw", "theme_dark", "theme_minimal", "theme_classic", "theme_void"


Plot: UMAP plot for analyzing and visualizing UMAP algorithm.




# 1. Library TOmicsVis package

# 2. Use example dataset
#>              Genes   CT_1   CT_2   CT_3 LT20_1 LT20_2 LT20_3 LT15_1 LT15_2
#> 1     transcript_0 655.78 631.08 669.89 654.21 402.56 447.09 510.08 442.22
#> 2     transcript_1  92.72 112.26 150.30  88.35  76.35  94.55 120.24  80.89
#> 3    transcript_10  21.74  31.11  22.58  15.09  13.67  13.24  12.48   7.53
#> 4   transcript_100   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
#> 5  transcript_1000   0.00  14.15  36.01   0.00   0.00 193.59 208.45   0.00
#> 6 transcript_10000  89.18 158.04  86.28  82.97 117.78 102.24 129.61 112.73
#>   LT15_3 LT12_1 LT12_2 LT12_3 LT12_6_1 LT12_6_2 LT12_6_3
#> 1 399.82 483.30 437.89 444.06   405.43   416.63   464.75
#> 2  73.94  96.25  82.62  85.48    65.12    61.94    73.44
#> 3  13.35  11.16  11.36   6.96     7.82     4.01    10.02
#> 4   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00
#> 5 232.40 148.58   0.00 181.61     0.02    12.18     0.00
#> 6  85.70  80.89 124.11 115.25   113.87   107.69   119.83

#>   Samples Groups
#> 1    CT_1     CT
#> 2    CT_2     CT
#> 3    CT_3     CT
#> 4  LT20_1   LT20
#> 5  LT20_2   LT20
#> 6  LT20_3   LT20

# 3. Default parameters
umap_plot(gene_expression, samples_groups)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)

# 4. Set sci_fill_color = "Sci_Simpsons", seed = 6
umap_plot(gene_expression, samples_groups, sci_fill_color = "Sci_Simpsons", seed = 6)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)

# 5. Set fill_alpha = 0.10
umap_plot(gene_expression, samples_groups, fill_alpha = 0.10)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)